23 June, 2008

Cyberworlds2008 in Hangzhou

My submission to DMAMH'2008 (3rd Workshop on Digital Media and its Application in Museum & Heritage in Cyberworlds 2008) has been accepted. The title of my paper is 'Contents Oriented Space - Architecture and Environmental design in the 3Di space'. The main theme of the paper concerns 'Archidemo' and 'Digital Design Competition 2007'.

My presentation schedule in China is in the latter half of September, following FILE2008 (August 5, Sao Paulo) and SIGGRAPH2008 (August 11, Los Angeles). Thus, I am very busy. If it is possible, I want to do presentation in the metaverse.

Hangzhou is here.


By the way, ACCEPT NOTICE says 'The papers will be included in the same Proceedings, which will be published by IEEE, and will be indexed by EI'.

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