23 June, 2008

Cyberworlds2008 in Hangzhou

My submission to DMAMH'2008 (3rd Workshop on Digital Media and its Application in Museum & Heritage in Cyberworlds 2008) has been accepted. The title of my paper is 'Contents Oriented Space - Architecture and Environmental design in the 3Di space'. The main theme of the paper concerns 'Archidemo' and 'Digital Design Competition 2007'.

My presentation schedule in China is in the latter half of September, following FILE2008 (August 5, Sao Paulo) and SIGGRAPH2008 (August 11, Los Angeles). Thus, I am very busy. If it is possible, I want to do presentation in the metaverse.

Hangzhou is here.


By the way, ACCEPT NOTICE says 'The papers will be included in the same Proceedings, which will be published by IEEE, and will be indexed by EI'.

Google One Green project

Google Japan launched 'Google One Green' project (Japanese only). It is a mashup site concerning global warming and where people can freely contribute the idea of global warming prevention.

I produced the Google gadget and geocoding system of 'Gaia Mapping 2008' by the NPO Gaia initiative.

I want to use the metaverse for such a usage.

08 June, 2008

ViZiMO workshop in Tokyo Metropolitan University

I held a special workshop of Japanese metaverse (3Di) platform 'ViZiMO' by MiCROViSiON Inc. in Tokyo Metropolitan University.

Workshop theme was 'Translating real space into virtual space', that I wrote in Abstract of Archidemo. 18 students joined the workshop, and the period of workshop was three weeks. There were various variations of final output by students that used ViZiMO as tools of 'Movie (machinima) production', 'Game developing', and 'Producing the space with special physics'.

The following playlist covers all students' works.

We can construct 3d space including physics and various interactive events only with GUI without coding by using ViZiMO. It is the best 3Di platform for students, begginer, and general person who is not the high-skilled creator. MiCROViSiON Inc. is serving only a Japanese version now. However, I am expecting their progressing of an international version.


The students of third grader class in Tokyo Metropolitan University

Workshop Leader:

Hidenori Watanave (Supervisor of Photon,Inc., Associate Professor of Tokyo Metropolitan University, Visiting Professor of Digital Hollywood University)

Jury members:
  • Minoru Aonuma (Company Rep. of MiCROViSiON Inc.) and Associates
  • Akio Fukano (Visiting Associate Professor of Kanagawa Institute of Technology, Fellow of Tokyo Institute of Technology)
  • Yukihito Morikawa (Company Rep. of MuuMuu co. ltd.)
  • Takanobu Migitera (Marketing Fellow of Connecty Inc.)
  • Yumiko Sugiura (Journalist)
and Shinichi Kasahara (Professor) and Tetsuaki Baba (Assistant Professor) of TMU also participated in jury.

02 June, 2008

SIGGRAPH2008 in Los Angels

Archidemo and Digital Design Competition 2007 were accepted to be part of SIGGRAPH2008 (Aug.11 - 15, at Los Angeles Convention Center). Reprint of mail as follows.
We are very pleased to inform you that your submission title: "Archidemo - Architecture in Metaverse", Submission Id: "latebreaking_0111" has been accepted to be part of the SIGGRAPH 2008 Conference in Los Angeles, California. A diverse group of leading experts have chosen your submission for presentation out of many that were received due to its high quality, interest, and impact on the SIGGRAPH Community.
Because the result announcement of the digital design competition was later than the deadline of SIGGRAPH, I entered our abstract in 'Late-Breaking Program'. There are 4 reviews, three are friendly and other one is very critically. At any rate, it is glad that the activity in the metaverse was evaluated. I have already decided to go to FILE2008 Sao Paulo (presentation is Aug.05), and if it is possible, I will go to Los Angeles in middle of August.