18 August, 2008

"Obama bot" prototype

This is Obama bot (chatterbot) prototype for Virtual Residency Project. It will be exhibited at the same time as OBAMApPING.

A lot of "Obama-chatterbot with individuality" are floating in the air. Each robot has the Obama collection of personal phrases of the Internet in the background. They make remarks automatically while reacting to the word of other chatterbots and avatars. What discussion will they do in the future?

And also, McCain and Hillary's chatterbots will be produced as I wrote here. I want to try and err about not only a content of the word, but also composition of them in the space.


  • Produce + Direction: Hidenori Watanave
  • Collaborator: Koichiro Hajiri Ph.D.

17 August, 2008

OBAMApPING prototype

This is prototype of "OBAMApPING" for Virtual Residency Project.

View with large map

This is dynamic geo-mapping of IP-geolocation -- Place where image of "Obama" actually exists -- based on the Yahoo image search result. The words "Barack", "Obama", and Japanese Hiragana "Obama" is used for this retrieval. 150 images are displayed now.

Viewing with Google Earth is also available.

Tracks have expanded toward each image from Honolulu that is the birth ground of Obama. This map makes "Worldwide extention of the impact of i-Obama (Informationized Obama)" visible. And, it changes every day.

Naturally, there are a lot of images that exist in the United States. However, a lot of images exist also in Europe, Japan, and the southern hemisphere. When the image is clicked, an original website is displayed.

The map published in here now is static contents. In the exhibition with Location One, dynamic map will be exhibited. Moreover, I will produce the map of Macan and other candidates for exhibition. My work are this "OBAMApPING" and "Obamabot vs McCainbot in Metaverse".

Hidenori Watanave


13 August, 2008

Permutation City

via DigitalUrban:

This is a demonstration movie of virtual world "LivePlace" with cloud based computing. This image and system make me recall Greg Egan's "Permutation city". If the interface of immersive type is equipped in this, it is the world setting of the science fiction novel as it is. The time left is 37 years. There is enough time.

10 August, 2008

SIGGRAPH2008 Poster

Now I am in Los Angels.

In this morning, I have set up my poster in Los Angels Convention Center. It is in a good location that is vicinity of entrance of hall. But I have a question -- "Is poster session necessary for presentation of Second Life?". I think indeed, it is a very very old-fashioned presentation format.

PDF of poster is available.

I will be in front of my poster tommorow (11/Aug). However, I will be not there on the presentation day (12/Aug.) because I will have to take an airplane. Ah, "Poster session" is very inconvenient! I put a lot of business cards instead of myself, please take it.

Now I am staying in Hotel Carmel @ Santa Monica.

View with large map

06 August, 2008

My presentation in FILE2008 @ Sao Paulo

Complete version movie is here.

Now I'm in Rio de janeiro.

02 August, 2008

Now I am in Sao Paulo !

Now I'm in Sao Paulo because for preparation of FILE2008 symposium.

The high rise, the building that exists for 100 years, and the
temporary lavatory exist together. And terrible amount of car is running. People are walking while dancing. It's quite a metaverse-like city !

My presentation movie in symposium is below.

My presentation schedule is 15:30 (local time) on August 5.